1. How long time does it take for me to balance the YUN pod?
It depends on the state of your mind. The more concentrated you are, the more easily you balance the YUN pod : ).
2. How much weight can YUN hold?
YUN can hold 200g maximally : ).
3. Is the incense smoke harmful to our bodies?
No, it isn't. Actually, agarwood and sandalwood incense is good for our health, physically and mentally : ).
4. How long can an incense cone last for after it is lit?
About 10 minutes : ).
5. Is YUN fireproof and heatproof?
YUN pod is made of a material that is fireproof and heatproof. But to further ensure fire safety, we suggest that you take caution when litting the incense cone and placing it in the YUN pod : ).
6. Will there be incense ash after the burning?
Yes, the incense ash will be contained in the YUN pod. Simply empty the YUN pod and you can use it for the next incense cone : ).
7. How do I clean the YUN pod?
YUN pod can be washed with water or wipd-cleaned : ).
8. Is the electromagnetic base safe for its surrounding electronic devices?
The base's electromagnetic field may cause interference. So, we suggest that you leave a distance of at least 20cm between YUN and other electronic devices such as your phone : ).
9. Can I paint on the YUN pod?
Feel free to DIY. Just remember to send us the photos of it if you did so : ).
© 2016-2021 Xuchang Weidu Electronic Technology L.L.C.
Address: Xuchang shi Weidu qu Tanggang jie Sanda Cheng, Henan, China